2011 Print & ePublishing Conference General Discussions Forum


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2011 Print & ePublishing Conference
2:04 am
Forum Posts: 201
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Yes. We're going. How 'bout you? We're very excited about being part of the Print & ePublishing Conference this year! We are looking forward to seeing all our old friends as well as new!

We hope to have some cool stuff to show everyone as well as some nice stuff for you to take home. Please make sure to stop by and say hello when you are there!

If you have any ideas on what you'd like to see from us, please feel free to discuss your ideas on our forum. We love to hear what you think!

Forum Timezone: America/New_York

Most Users Ever Online: 197

Currently Online:
10 Guest(s)

Currently Browsing this Page:
1 Guest(s)

Top Posters:

jacksonlame: 18

niftyix: 10

Ulrich Bogun: 9

jackferthomas: 8

Adrian: 8

Soyablack123: 7

Member Stats:

Guest Posters: 1

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Forum Stats:

Groups: 3

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Topics: 279

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Newest Members: WiBjlnqboALz, NqmAUlOzLTYdRE, pyseed, QhuwMYagqvi, MWillustration, Our Daily Bread Ministries

Administrators: In-Tools: 11, Harbs: 201