Plugin not activating from InDesign 2014 to 2014.2. No support response. General Discussions Forum


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Plugin not activating from InDesign 2014 to 2014.2. No support response.
4:31 am
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I had to uninstall Indesign and reinstall. And then updating it. Which took me from CC 2014 to 2014.2. My previously activated version of Power Headers has now reverted to trial mode.

I've contacted support but not had any response.

Reading the FAQ, it looks like I'll have to pay for an upgrade because the plugin is probably seeing the update to Indesign as a new version.

I purchased Power Headers less than 7 weeks ago. Now I have to pay more to keep using it?

With Adobe having a subscription model, updates are pretty much automatic. I can see a time when an update to CC is actually a completely new version but the user isn't really aware of it. In-Tools' plugins then revert to demo mode with no notification to the user until it expires. They then contact support, who tell them they need to purchase an upgrade. There has to be a better method than this.

12:08 pm
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Support are now in touch and trying to help me sort it.

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