Woman reacts to sudden appearance of naked feet on her armrest General Discussions Forum


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Woman reacts to sudden appearance of naked feet on her armrest
1:46 am
Forum Posts: 7
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We can deal with a crying baby, a snoring pensioner, even a drunken businessman talking too loudly, but there is one sin that simply can’t be forgiven at 40,000 feet – someone sticking their feet into your personal space.
It’s not surprising then that Jasmine Mays had to document this heinous crime… and her priceless facial reaction to it.
The Zumba teacher was on a flight recently when the passenger behind her decided to use her armrest to perch her well-manicured feet on (we only say ‘her’ because of the nail varnish – it could very well be a man).
Rather than start screaming at the person for the incredibly selfish gesture, Jasmine decided to take the high road and shame the passenger by posting this hilarious video online.
While Jasmine didn’t say where the flight was going to or reveal the offending passenger’s identity, her face says it all.
The video soon went viral, with many comments suggesting that Jasmine should have ‘accidentally’ elbowed the feet until they moved.

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12:11 am
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Very well written article. It will be helpful to everyone who employee it, including me. Keep up the good work – can’t wait to read more posts.
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