Don't display header if source style is first style on page Power Headers Forum


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Don't display header if source style is first style on page
12:14 pm
Allison Blake
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I'm using a demo of PH with CS5 for Mac. I'm trying to figure out if this plugin will do what I need:

My document is a series of listings within categories, like a catalog, where I need the header at the top of each page to populate only if the category is continuing from the previous page (in which case it would say "Category, continued"). If the page starts a new category (the source text is the first item on the page), I want no header so that the category (in the body text) will appear like a header on that page.

Essentially, the header needs to appear like it's part of the text flow, not like a traditional running header which is in the header/footer area of a page.

In years past, this has been handled manually: we paste in the "Category, continued" at the top of each page as needed. As edits are made and the text reflows, we (re)move the "headers" so they are always at the top of the page. UGH!

Is there any combination of functions within Power Headers that could automate this?

I hope my question makes sense.

THanks for any insight!

3:36 am
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The only thing I can suggest is to create the header as a separate text frame with a text wrap around it so it looks like it's part of the text flow.

8:53 am
Allison Blake
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Harbs said:

The only thing I can suggest is to create the header as a separate text frame with a text wrap around it so it looks like it's part of the text flow.

I wondered if somehow using two headers, with one of them using the  don't transfer text option would work? The documentation seems to indicate that you can combine them for one header to cancel the other header out under defined circumstances. Could that work here? where the don't transfer header could "erase" the header from the pages where the source text is the first item on the page?


I've found that PowerHeaders is definitely better than my previous manual method because, even if I have to manually adjust the pages where a new department starts at the top of the page (to delete the "duplicate" header), that only occurs on 10% or so of the pages. The manual method requires copying/pasting headers and adjusting them at the top of every single page!


I'll try your suggestion with the text wrap, too.

10:17 am
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Interesting idea. If you manage to work it out, I'd be interested in hearing the details.

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