HELP with changing colours of running header variable please! Power Headers Forum


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HELP with changing colours of running header variable please!
1:26 am
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Hi all,

I am currently working on a 200pg cookbook with 14 chapters each utilising a different colour (ie — all recipe titles in the 'Veggies' chapter/section are green; all in 'White Meat' are tan etc).

I first attempted creating a footer that will display the pg# as well as the name of the appropriate chapter in the correct colour by using a text variable of the running header type through InDesign. However, it became apparent there was no way to do this without needing 14 different master pages using variables with 14 different character styles. It was suggested to me on the InDesign Secrets forum to try out Power Headers. I have now downloaded a trial version, but still can't work out how to create a running header variable that will change colour with each chapter as all the options seem to be in the source styles rather than the variable style itself.

I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to do this in Power Headers?

Thanks in advance!


2:10 am
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Using the current version of Power Headers, the only way I can see to accomplish what you need is if those colors are set as overrides in the source text. You can then select to preserve overrides, and the color will show in the header.

If that will not work with your setup. I don't see how Power Headers will help in your situation.

FWIW, We hope to include "Script Processors" in our next version of Power Headers which should help address problems such as yours...

3:45 am
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Only for comment! Wink

Assuming we use Power Headers v. 2.0.9 [ID CC 2015 updated].
I suppose 14 para styles based on Chapter 1 para style have been created, with, for each of them, a different color option.
The idea: use 14 "color" char styles and use each of them in each para style as nested line style support (all text to be treated).

After that, we have 14 para styles to be included in the header variable definition as "alternate styles". Just mark: "Copy Local Formatting".

Done! Cool

@Gabe, if I'm wrong, thanks to tell me why! Wink

2:18 am
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Utilizing the present rendition of Power Headers, the main way Dissertation Writing I can see to finish what you require is if those hues are set as abrogates in the source content. You would then be able to choose to protect supersedes, and the shading will appear in the header. In the event that that won't work with your setup. I don't perceive how Power Headers will help in your circumstance.

5:20 am
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t was recommended to me on the InDesign Secrets gathering to experiment with Power Headers. I have now downloaded a trial rendition, yet at the same time can't work out how to make a running header variable that will change shading with Dissertation Writing Service every part as every one of the choices appears to be in the source styles instead of the variable style itself.

6:29 am
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t was prescribed to me on the InDesign Secrets social affair to explore Dissertation Writing Services different avenues regarding Power Headers. I have now downloaded a trial version, yet in the meantime can't work out how to influence a running header variable that to will change shading.

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