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Hide Running Heads on blank pages
11:38 pm
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Is there a way to hide/suppress running headers (and page numbers) on blank pages. I have Running headers at top of both left and right pages of book. Left shows Section Title and Right shows Chapter Title (both using Text variables keyed to paragraph styles). Page numbers at bottom. I don't want left page Running Header to show if page is blank (usually opposite Section opener or Chapter Title, which are relegated to right hand Pages).


Also would like to hide Running Headers from the Section Title page and the Chapter opening page .


Doc is ID CC and already had styles setup before I loaded Power Headers.

6:35 am
Forum Posts: 201
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Yes. There are three options on where the variables appear. You want the option of no text. (I don't have the dialog in front of me now to check exactly what it was called.)



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