Issue with Current and Last Instance Power Headers Forum


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Issue with Current and Last Instance
10:46 am
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Hi, when using the current and last instance in a header, I have a scenario where it is not accurate:

I have a set up with chapters and sub-sections on the page (e.g. the header displays 1:1-9, 1:9-13 using current and last instance) and it works beautifully after a Global Grep.

But when a new chapter starts at the top of the page, the first paragraph on the page will be the new section title, followed by sub-section 1, but power headers is still pulling the previous pages sub-section number because the new source text is not the first line on the page – so, for example, it ends up saying Chapter 2:9-2 instead of Chapter 2:1-2.

So is there a way to tell a variable to ignore (or skip) a certain paragraph style (chapter number) at the top of the page?


12:21 pm
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Hi, after reading some other comments on this forum, i see that this is what the resetter styles is meant to do, but none of the options seem to be working for me. Can you give me an idea of how the resetter styles should be set up?


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