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Not quite getting it...
11:38 am
RTP Designer
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I downloaded the trial and plan to purchase the plugin if I can get it to work with my document.
My document has a master text frame inside which I have pasted a table (on page 1, not on the master page) which spans the length of my document (200+ pages).
The table is several columns wide, and my header needs to have the entry from the first cell of the first column followed by the entry from the last cell of the first column (similar to the running header of a dictionary).

I set up column guides that match the column that I want to use and followed the instructions in the manual, but when I update the footer, it displays the first entry (first cell of first column) and the last entry (last cell of the last column with content in it).


Any insight into what I'm doing wrong?




2:53 pm
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Power Headers does not work well with long tables. Power Headers will pick up text in tables only if it's contained in the first text frame.


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