Only one variable showing up . . . all other text in frames gone Power Headers Forum


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Only one variable showing up . . . all other text in frames gone
3:07 pm
Dave Peattie
Forum Posts: 6
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I'm putting together running heads in an index, and for some reason all the text but the last variable is getting deleted and it's improperly formatted (should be 10 pt, but coming in as 12 point).


Should be


[pg #] Index ([Char Style first] – [Char Style last])


But only [Char Style last] entry is showing up on all pages.

3:54 pm
Forum Posts: 201
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I'd have to see your setting to be sure, but it sounds like you used the header character style for all the text in your header frame. Each variable must have a unique character style applied to work independently. (It is possible to combine the effects of multiple variables using a single style, but that's not something you would usually want to do...)

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