overset text Power Headers Forum


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overset text
10:34 pm
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I'm using a two column layout, with a header frame above. The powerheader, when it updates, sometimes causes one or more columns to be void of text. That is, although there isn't a column break at the bottom of the first column (or the previus page's 2nd column), it treats it like the column was overfull and couldn't put anything in that now empty column.


It's random how this works, and if I add an extra space to the end of the first paragraph, it snaps back into place. But sometimes the updating again will cause others to do the same.

3:37 am
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Hi tlingren,

It's hard for me to imagine how Power Headers could be causing a text column to beocme overset.


The only thing I can think of would be that you used a style from your main text as the style of your header and didn't use a header label. That could cause Power Headers to overwrite your main text.


Could that be it?

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