Placing ears in the running head with 4 variables Power Headers Forum


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Placing ears in the running head with 4 variables
12:35 pm
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We are currently using Indesign CS5.

The document needs to pick up 4 levels: (see example below)


1.4 Miscellaneous (cs_ear2)

(a) Cumulative Rights 

All rights referred to in the Agreement are cumulative and not mutually exclusive. Any waiver of the enforcement of a right granted by one of the PARTIES for the benefit of another in the Agreement shall, under no circumstances, be interpreted or construed as a waiver of the enforcement of any other right granted hereunder unless, as a matter of exception, the wording of a provision of the Agreement requires such interpretation or construction.

(b) Time and Dates (cs_ear3)

(i) Time of the Essence (cs_ear4)

Unless otherwise indicated in the Agreement, time shall be of the essence. No extension of or amendment to the Agreement shall operate as a waiver of this provision unless clearly stated therein.


Each level has a paragraph style plus a character style to pick up just the numbering. In the running head, we need the ears to look like 1.4(b)(i) so it is picking up cs_ear1, cs_ear2, cs_ear3, cs_ear4. On the even pages, it needs to pick up the first instance on that page and on the odd, it needs to pick up the last instance, and continue until the next instances occur.

I cannot seem to get it to work. It only shows the last level and all other variables disappear when I update the headers.

Your help would appreciated.


2:39 pm
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There's a few things to keep in mind:

1) Each variable must be a different character style.

2) You might want to set up "resetter styles" to erase lower levels when you encounter higher levels, but it's tricky to set up and depending on exactly what you need, sometimes impossible to get exactly right.




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