Type setting "Last and all instances" possible? Power Headers Forum


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Type setting "Last and all instances" possible?
12:09 pm
Ulrich Bogun
Forum Posts: 9
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Hello Harbs,

would it be possible to add a setting in Power Headers allowing to list the last instance (if the page does not start with one) plus the current instances? I am working on kind of a book inventory which has the publisher’s categories in its headers. In most cases there is only on change per page, and if it does not start on the first line "current and last instance" works fine.

However in the few cases of two category changes on one page not beginning on a first line I’d like to list all three instances – "all" gives only the instances on the current page, not the precursor. Would it be possible to add this feature in a future release? Or is there already a way to achive this which I’ve missed?


Thanks a lot


3:51 pm
Forum Posts: 201
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Interesting problem.


You can try to create two variables -- one "current instance" and another "all instances". You can then create a global GREP Processor to remove duplicate entries.

10:33 am
Ulrich Bogun
Forum Posts: 9
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks, Harbs, I will give it a try. Although each time I have to use GREP I find myself studying the GREP manual from scrap again – these commands do not get into my permanent memory, it seems …

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