Composite Font Editor not working when installing the Wordl Tools Pro plug-in on an InDesign ME version World Tools Forum


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Composite Font Editor not working when installing the Wordl Tools Pro plug-in on an InDesign ME version
5:34 pm
Graphilingua (UK) Ltd
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I just bought the "World Tools Pro" plug-in, installed it on my InDesign CS5.0 ME Windows version and activated it sucessfully, hoping to be able to use all the CJK features with it.

Unfortunately, although I can access the "WordTools (CJK)" panel alright, I can't access the "Composite Font Editor". I get a grey dialog box instead with no button or field inside. Neither InDesign nor plug-in seem to crash though, and the grey dialog box disappears on pressing Escape, but I can't access the Composite Font Editor features (screen capture available on request).

Is your "World Tools Pro" plug-in actually compatible with the ME versions of InDesign? (I tried the demo version of the same plug-in on an InDesign CS6 ME version, and I get the same problem there too.)

If this is a problem relating specifically to the ME versions of InDesign, would you be willing to transfer my licence so that I can install this licence on another computer/user running a non-ME version of InDesign? Embarassed

Kind regards,


7:14 pm
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I am having the same problem as described above (installed trial version of WTP on Indesign CS6 ME).
Is there a solution to this issue - is it that I am using the trial version?

Thank you,


7:09 am
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I'm not sure why it's not working with the ME version, but the fact that it's the trial version should not make a difference.

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