Importing Ms Phoentic guide to Indesign World Tools Forum


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Importing Ms Phoentic guide to Indesign
4:50 am
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Hello, im looking out for a software that allow me to import ms words content(Both chinese words and the Phoentic text) into indesign. 

This are the things ive done for testing:

Exporting ms document(RTF, txt, xml all tested) containing chinese font and phoentic text on top of it to MS words, 

Result: only chinese word came out.


Copy and paste from mswords(the chinese words contain phoentic). With the help of font compositing two font appearred however the words(phonetic words) didnt appear directly on top of the chinese words.


Is there a better way that i can easily import chinese words with phoentic into my indesign? I'm open to any suggestion and willing to get this product if it words well in trail.




6:36 am
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I'm not sure what phonetic words are. Is that Ruby or Kenten?

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