InDesign CC with World Tools on Mac not working properly World Tools Forum


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InDesign CC with World Tools on Mac not working properly
10:43 am
Cindy Chopoidalo
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I recently installed InDesign CC and World Tools on a Mac running OSX.9, and I have run into a problem. The selection and type tools do not respond on the first three pages of documents that are four pages or longer. In order to make any changes I have to put the cursor somewhere on the fourth page or later and move it with the arrow keys, and I can't copy and paste into those first three pages. (I don't have this problem on documents of three pages or less.)

On the Adobe Forums I've received suggestions to uninstall World Tools and try restarting to see if that will restore functionality. How do I do that? I've tried dragging the folders to my desktop, but all that does is create an alias.


The problem has been solved. I just had to uncheck "prevent selection of locked objects" on my InDesign preferences. So it wasn't a problem with World Tools. My InDesign is working fine now.

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