how do I get auto expanding text frames in INdesign CS4/5? General Discussions Forum


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how do I get auto expanding text frames in INdesign CS4/5?
11:45 pm
Stan Kessanis
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Hi all

As an ex Freehand fan that had to swallow the Indesign
takeover and learn to live with blantantly inferior features, the one
that impacts on me more than anything is the inability of a text frame
to expand (horizontally) when you add more characters. Is there a
setting I have missed somewhere in CS4 or 5?

In my catalogue
work, when I have to change a price on an item and add a digit, the
price disappears and I have to manually expand the frame. Ditto for text
descriptions. Having to preguess a text field's width is just silly.

If it doesnt exist as a feature/preference in Indesign, will Autoflow work for me?

3:36 am
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Hi Stan,


No. InDesign does not have built-in self-expanding frames.

Freehand and Illustrator do, and I think the rationale is that they are more geared towards illustration.

AutoFlow Pro offers self-expanding frames which expand down or up, but does not currently offer the ability to expand the width.

This script might help you though:

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