Trial PH does not install? Power Headers Forum


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Trial PH does not install?
12:28 pm
La Ménagerie
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I wanted to install the trial version of PowerHeaders, but the installation seems to go awry.

More specifically, during the installation, it offers the option to install the documentation, but I cannot check boyes next to my InDesign version (5.5) - or any other version, for that matter.

I searched the forums for "trial", but the only returned result was:

which I think wouldn't apply since that usert *could* install the plug-in.

(I looked anyway in the folders mentioned and there's nothing InTools-related, as far as I can see.)

To see if a different product would install, I downloaded the Publisher Suite (the product I'm actually more likely to buy) but the installation process was similar: option to install the doc, no boxes available to be checked for the InDesign target version.

I'm hoping I'm not asking the stupidest question in the history of this forum, but I'm really at a loss here...



10:14 am
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The installer for Mac assumes that InDesign is installed into the default location. Moving the InDesign older to the top level Application folder should solve the problem.


After installation, you can move the folder to wherever you want.

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