Fixed v 1.0 Mac Installers

We were made aware that there were some problems with a few of the latest Mac installers.

Due to an error during compiling the installers, some of the files installed were not correct. The affected products were: World Tools (not Pro), Power Headers, and Style Utilities. The related suites were also affected namely: the Publisher Suite and the World Publisher Suite Pro.

The installers have been fixed. If you have downloaded one of these products since the new website went live, please re-download it and reinstall.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to suggest subscribing to RSS on our announcements forum. We will be blogging about major updates in the future, but small changes and fixes will be posted on the forum.

Thanks for your support!


  1. Sam Brenner says:

    The World Tools Pro trial installer for Mac doesn’t seem to work.
    When it installs it does not show InDesign Cs4 at all in the custom install option. It only gives documentation as the option. I was hoping that this product would work with the hope of purchasing it for Hebrew type support.
    Please advise.


  2. Benjamin Dubé says:

    You should corrige your website. On the World Tools Pro page it was write : «World Tools is an InDesign plug-in for CS4, CS5 and CS5.5, created to allow designers using InDesign to work on right-to-left languages and writing scripts – especially Arabic and Hebrew.» Source :

    It will be a good idea to remove cs4 from this paragraph. Thanks !


    • Harbs says:

      World Tools does support CS4. If you click on the link, it will take you to the World Tools product page.

      The paragraph immediately below the one you quoted states explicitly that World Tools Pro supports CS5 and later. I’m not sure how much clearer we can make it.


  3. Victoria says:

    I believe the problem is that the link at the top of the page to download a trial is for the Pro…. and the link at the bottom of the page download trial is for World Tool no Pro… for the different versions. This is not clear on the website hence the problem that Benjamin was having. I believe making these clearer would solve the issue above issue.

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