
Archive for June, 2009

Story Cloner Script

Posted by: on: June 25th, 2009 | 6 Comments

If you have used InDesign for any length of time, there was probably some time when you wished that you could just type in one place and have those changes carried over to other places in your file. You might want to create some kind of effect which requires text to be doubled up and you’d like to just be able to edit the text once instead of twice.

Well, we recognized this need, and came up with our FREE Story Cloner script. Read more

Script of the day – June 22, 2009

Posted by: on: June 22nd, 2009 | 3 Comments

Applying the correct master page has always been an annoying task. AutoFlow Pro offers some really cool ways of automating the application of master pages. Sometimes, though you just want to remove all master pages from pages without any content. If, for example you have master pages set up with page numbers and/or running headers with static content, you probably don’t want those text frames to appear on blank pages.
Read more

AutoFlow Pro 1.0.3 update

Posted by: on: June 22nd, 2009 | No Comments

We’ve just updated AuotFlow Pro to version 1.0.3. In one of the recent versions, a bug crept in which was preventing Master Content Frames from being labeled.

Please download the new version here.

On a similar note: Windows users should be aware that there is a bug in some installations of Windows which prevents typing into the combo-boxes used to label Master Threads and Master Content Frames. We don’t know why it works okay on some installations of Windows, while on others it doesn’t. It’s one of those weird and mysterious things… 😉
This bug also shows itself in Running Headers.

The workaround for this bug is to download the combo-box fixer script and run it once. The script should permanently fix the combo-boxes for the computer on which it’s run.

AutoFlow Pro 1.0.2 update

Posted by: on: June 17th, 2009 | 1 Comment

We’ve been hard at work this week!

We’ve made some improvements in behavior in AutoFlow Pro and we’ve also managed to do another two AutoFlow Pro tutorials – bringing the total up to five! We still have some more to do…

Get the new update here.
Here’s a quick link to the tutorials.

We’ve also been doing work on integrating the new website look into more of our site, and more integration to come.

On an interesting aside, we wrote a cute little script yesterday which will find the next hyphenated word in your current story to make it easier to find bad breaks. You can get the script here.

New WordPress site!

Posted by: on: June 11th, 2009 | No Comments

In an effort to let folks know what we have to offer, In-Tools is moving over to a WordPress based web site. We have lots of exciting developments on the horizon, and we want everyone to know about them. With our new site, you can subscribe to RSS feeds, or just pop in and read the latest posts to find out about the latest happenings.

We hope to upload a whole pile of free scripts in the near future. We also plan on creating lots of tutorials to show what you can accomplish with our plug-ins.

It’ll take some time to move the entire site over to the new format, but we’re very excited about the new look!

Here’s some links on how to set up RSS feeds in different programs. Thanks to Kris over at Rorohiko for compiling this list!

Apple Mail:


Mozilla Firefox:

Mozilla Thunderbird:

Microsoft Internet Explorer: