AutoFlow Pro Release


June 8, 2009 NYC, NY, USA – In-Tools, developers of automated computerized publishing solutions, announces the release of AutoFlow Pro 1.0, a plug-in for InDesign CS3 and CS4. AutoFlow Pro combines with InDesign’s sophisticated composition abilities to provide a remarkably advanced solution for flowing and reflowing entire documents, and requires only minimal user attention. With AutoFlow Pro you fully control the layout of both text and images, using both master frames and non-master frames.


AutoFlow Pro is simple enough for even beginner users, but is also an incredibly advanced plug-in that has the power to automate the flow of documents in extremely complicated ways. The automation is exceptionally flexible and is useful in a wide range of applications.


AutoFlow Pro adds the following functionality to InDesign’s composition of documents:

  • AutoFlow Pro dynamically expands and shrinks individual text frames, and threaded stories.
  • AutoFlow Pro adds and removes text frames and pages as necessary to fit text.
  • AutoFlow Pro does not require the use of master text frames. This is an important advantage over other products which offer auto-flow capabilities.
  • AutoFlow Pro adds the ability to apply unique settings to any or every individual story in a document, which is far more flexible than InDesign CS4’s document-wide-only ability.
  • AutoFlow Pro intelligently flows the text according to your settings.
  • AutoFlow Pro applies master pages according to your settings to transform ordinary master pages into dynamic page templates that can move and resize both text frames and graphic frames, by simply applying a different master page!
  • AutoFlow Pro’s transformations can be automatically activated by text reflows.
  • AutoFlow Pro can link paragraph styles to master pages and automatically apply the correct master page as necessary.
  • AutoFlow Pro can automatically thread stories across different master pages.
  • AutoFlow Pro can automatically reposition and resize both text frames and graphic frames when page sides or the applied master page changes.


AutoFlow Pro provides the following valuable benefits for book compositors, magazine producers, and graphic designers in general:

  • Transform your master pages into dynamic templates.
  • Take complete control of your document flow.
  • Let automatic pagination free you to actually design your publication.
  • Retain full quality control of your publication in collaborative environments.
  • Instantly adjust the layout of an entire page or group of pages.
  • Increase precision with text frames which will always fit exactly to your text.
  • Save time and headaches when reflowing text.


Pricing and Availability:
AutoFlow Pro licenses can be purchased from the AutoFlow Pro product page at an introductory price of $99 (USD) for use with InDesign CS3 or CS4, on a single Macintosh or Windows workstation. AutoFlow Pro is also available as part of the InBook and InSefer plug-in packages. When purchased as part of the InBook  or InSefer plug-in package, use is allowed on up to two personal workstations. A 30 day fully functional Demo is available for download. In-Tools is offering a FREE upgrade to all licensed users of Auto-Flow (a much more basic, now-discontinued product which offered auto-flow capabilities). AutoFlow Pro is available for both Macintosh and Windows, and works with Adobe InDesign CS3 and CS4.


See the AutoFlow Pro product page for more information.

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One Comment

  1. Harbs says:

    Version 1.0.1 is out. Make sure you get the latest version.

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