
Posts Tagged ‘InDesign’

FiddleScript: InDesign Scripting Simplified

Posted by: on: March 3rd, 2010 | 5 Comments

Dealing with scripts can be a little daunting for a lot of users of InDesign. Once you get the hang of it, it’s not that hard, but you need to create files in the correct format, name them with the correct extension, and save them in the correct place. We’ve created a script which we hope will make life a lot easier.

FiddleScript — Your tool to fiddle with scripts (without having to fiddle too much). Read more

Line Numbering

Posted by: on: March 1st, 2010 | 45 Comments

Did you ever wish InDesign had the ability to number your lines? Well now it does with a little script! Read more

Power Headers 2.0.2 update

Posted by: on: February 25th, 2010 | No Comments

We’ve updated Power Headers to version 2.0.2!

This update fixes various bugs, and all users should update.

Please download the update from the downloads page.

Quick Reference Script

Posted by: on: February 24th, 2010 | 35 Comments

Taking the pain out of cross reference creation…

Quick Reference is a script created to simplify the process of creating cross references. Thanks to David Blatner on his helpful suggestions when we were creating this script. You can read more about Quick Reference on InDesign Secrets here. Read more

Fun With Text Fitting in InDesign

Posted by: on: February 18th, 2010 | 26 Comments

One of the most tedious jobs is fitting text to the space it is supposed to take up. A little bigger, a little smaller, wait! the text is different sizes… sigh… Well, here’s a few scripts to help with a couple of different situations…

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