In a recent post we kind of slipped in a whole bunch of improvements. The biggest one is probably Column Flow.
In a recent post we kind of slipped in a whole bunch of improvements. The biggest one is probably Column Flow.
Besides providing CS5 support, our newest update for Formatting Tools includes a new function.
We’ve been hard at work on some really exciting new developments, but we’ve taken some time to make sure all our plugins were updated for CS5 compatibility.
Version 1.0.5 of Formatting Tools adds two new features: “Create Hyperlinks from URLs”, and “Change Case by Style”.
These are both very commonly requested features, and we’re really happy to finally getting them added. This brings the total number of really useful utilities included in Formatting Tools up to seven. (“Conditional Paragraph Style Changer”, “Style Between Delimiters”, “Create One and Two Line Styles”, “Restyle Consecutive Paragraphs”, “Apply Next Styles”, “Create Hyperlinks From URLs”, and “Change Case By Style”. Read more
Dealing with scripts can be a little daunting for a lot of users of InDesign. Once you get the hang of it, it’s not that hard, but you need to create files in the correct format, name them with the correct extension, and save them in the correct place. We’ve created a script which we hope will make life a lot easier.
FiddleScript — Your tool to fiddle with scripts (without having to fiddle too much). Read more